Festival Teater InterKolej .. Organized by this group call PENTAS in UPM. How I know.. cos I was involved and I miss all the PENTAS people.. :( .

Don't really miss the studying.. miss the fun times I had with all of them.. What does PENTAS stands for? Penggiat Teater Sejagat... Best 3 years of my life as a student I dare say..

As every year they have FESTIK going on there will always have the closing ceremony.. always so grand! we can be whoever we want to be..always have the best theme for the event.. as for this year.. I was invited to go.. Definitely I am going! The theme is 'Magika'. What am I suppose to wear??? Tqah pakai ape ye?? Tqah.. always be my PA ... :P


tqahmisdar said...

hehe..xtawla nak pakai ape.. fenin ni.. adoi~~

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